Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

The tenders are invited centrally at Prisons Directorate and at District / Sub-Division level in District / Special and Subsidiary Correctional Homes for various articles. The tenders are considered by the following Committees:
Central Tender Committee
The Central Tender Committee comprises of the following members: | ||
1. | Inspector General of Correctional Services | - Chairman |
2. | Addl. I.G. of Correctional Services | - Member |
3. | D.I.G. of Correctional Services | - Member |
4. | PA to IG of Correctional Services | - Member |
5. |
One member from Department of Jails not below the rank of Deputy Secretary | - Member |
6. | Agriculture Marketing Officer, Government of West Bengal | - Member |
Notices for tenders are published in leading Bengali, Hindi and English newspapers through Information & Cultural Affairs Department. Tenders are received on particular dates and opened on the same day by the above committee in presence of the tenderers. Consideration / acceptance of tenders are made based on rates and quality of samples (where it is applicable).
District Tender Committee
The Superintendents of correctional homes also invite tenders for dietary and miscellaneous articles (for a value less than Rs. 30,000/- for each item for 6 months). The tender notices at District level are also published in newspapers through Information & Cultural Affairs Deptt. Tenderers submit their tenders, which are received in the correctional home on the schedule date and opened on the same day in presence of the tenderers.
Then the tenders are sent to Prisons Directorate with recommendation of the local committee for acceptance and IG of Correctional Services accepts / rejects the tenders with due consideration and decision is communicated to the concerned correctional homes for implementation.
- The Inspector General of Correctional Services, West Bengal invites sealed tenders for and on behalf of the Government of West Bengal for supply of dietary and miscellaneous articles to different correctional homes including subsidiary correctional homes of West Bengal by the last dates of receiving tenders mentioned against each article, if the value of items to be purchased is more than Rs. 30000/- for six months. These tenders are accepted by the Central Tender Committee.
- The Superintendent of correctional homes invite tenders for articles up to the value of Rs. 30,000/- for a period of six-months. These tenders are considered by District Tender Committee.
- Wide publicity in leading English, Hindi, Bengali newspapers in two insertions at an interval of 3 days through Information & Cultural Affairs Deptt, Govt of West Bengal is given.
- The tenders are required to be submitted with current Income Tax and VAT Registration Number and copy of certificate of VAT Registration duly attested, Professional Tax Clearance Certificate, Food License, Bank Solvency Certificate, Bonafide Certificate and Draft / Treasury Challan under the head 8443-00-103-001-07. Revenue Deposit in favour of Inspector General of Correctional Services, West Bengal or G.P. Notes or N.S. Certificate or KVP duly endorsed in his favour. Relevant documents from the Competent Authority on the exemption from submission of earnest Money must be produced along with tenders by the party claiming exemption of the same and for Co-operative Societies, West Bengal in terms of G.O. No. 14141(66)/Co-op/7S-121/66 dated 04.12.66 failing which tender is liable to be rejected. In addition all Co-operative Societies should submit Registration Certificate received from ARCS, Certificate of area of operation/supply and authority for supply of items.
- Full Earnest Money for entire items as mentioned in the schedule against a particular tender number is required to be submitted.
- Separate tenders are needed to be submitted super scribed with number of each tender specifying the articles called for therein along with the name of correctional homes.
- Rates are not be considered for acceptance if there is obvious evidence of formation any cartel by two or more suppliers.
- Complete mailing address with PIN Code Number and contact number are to be mentioned on the top of the tender application.
- Only one rate for each item is to be submitted. Multiple rates are not be considered.
- In case a supplier fails to supply at the approved rate, next higher rate may be considered.
- Signing of contract – The contract deed should be signed within a week from the date of receipt of the acceptance letter failing which the Earnest Money will be forfeited to the Government.
- Illegible writing and overwriting in tender will not be accepted.
- Condition of Supply: Delivery of the articles should be made free of all charges at the respective correctional home at the time to be fixed by the Superintendent of correctional home.
- Other conditions are as per prescribed contract deed which is obtainable at the office of the correctional home.
- Number of samples: Five for each item for central correctional homes and three for each item for other correctional homes.
- Period of supply: 1st January to 30th June and 1st July to 31st December of each year.
- The full particulars may be had from Prisons Directorate, West Bengal, Writers’ Buildings, Block-III, Top Floor, Kolkata- 700001