Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

Introduction :
The jails in the State of West Bengal, with the enforcement of the West Bengal Correctional Services Act,1992 with effect from 14th April,2000, are now called correctional homes with the focus shifting from being a mere place of detention of the prisoners to a place of rehabilitation where fruitful measures are adopted to rouse in the mind of the prisoner healthy social values by effacing from his mind the evil influence of anti-social ways of life and creating a conviction in him for returning to normal social life as a useful citizen. This is indeed a noble and arduous goal and the journey to achieve this has just begun. It requires the change of the mindset of not only the prisoners but also of all who are closely associated with the prison administration of the State.
Head of the Directorate :
The prison set up of West Bengal is headed by an officer of the rank of Inspector General of Police, who is normally a senior officer of the Indian Police Service cadre. He exercises general control and superintendence over all the Correctional Homes situated within the State. Prior to 1997, the post of Inspector General of Correctional Services was held by an officer belonging to the IAS, when the state Government by notification made it a cadre post of the IPS. After the enforcement of the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992, the head of the Directorate has been designated as Inspector General of Correctional Services, West Bengal. At present an officer of the rank of Addl Director General of police is holding the post of Inspector General of Correctional Services.
Prisons Directorate, West Bengal, headed by the Inspector General of Correctional Services performs executive functions as stipulated in the newly adopted West Bengal Correctional Services Act 1992 and also according to Jail Code. All executive decisions lie with the Inspector General of Correctional Services, which are conveyed to the sub offices (i.e. Central /District / Special / Subsidiary / Women / Open Correctional Home). The Inspector General of Correctional Services constantly monitors the functioning of the 54 Correctional Homes in the State with the help of three Additional Inspectors General of Correctional Services and six Deputy Inspectors General of Correctional Services. The powers and functions of these senior officers are more zonal in nature excepting DIG (HQ) and DIG (Security & Welfare) of Correctional Services who centrally keep vigil upon the proper functioning of the Correctional Administration and help the Inspector General of Correctional Services in his work at the Directorate level.
Correctional Home Administration :
Followings are the executive officers and other correctional staff and ministerial staff in brief in different categories of correctional homes:
Central |
District / Special / Women /Open |
Subsidiary Correctional Homes |