Special attention has been paid to health and medical care of prisoners. A total of 39 doctors and 39 pharmacists are posted to man the hospitals in the correctional homes of West Bengal. In some correctional homes, there are full time Medical Officers on contractual basis whereas in some smaller sub-correctional homes with very little population there are part time Medical Officers on contractual basis. In any case, Medical Officers are available on call round-the-clock. There is no correctional home without a doctor and pharmacist.
Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

Hospital and Medical Care
There is a post of Chief Medical Officer of West Bengal Correctional Homes in Prisons Directorate for supervision of the medical services/facilities in all the 54 Correctional Homes of West Bengal.

Modern essential medical equipments like X-ray, ECG, Pathology Lab and other diagnostic facilities have been provided. Dental and eye clinics have also been setup in Central Correctional Homes. Also, specialists in disciplines of Medicine, Ortho, ENT, Skin, Dental, Eye, Pathology, Chest, Gynaecology etc. are on our regular roll as Visiting Medical Officers. A number of outside hospitals with specialized medical facilities have been identified as referral hospitals.
Pharmacists have also been posted in the hospitals in correctional homes. Where there is no Pharmacist in any correctional home, Pharmacists on contract have been appointed. Following are details of the medical staff in the State:
Medical Staffs in the State |
1. | Medical Officer (Regular) | 43 |
2. | Medical Officer (On contract) | 58 |
3. | Psychiatrist | 06 |
4. | Receptionist Psychologist | 01 |
5. | Assistant Psychologist | 01 |
6. | Radiographer | 07 |
7. | Pharmacist | 42 |
8. | Pharmacist (On contract) | 34 |
9. | Male Nurse | 07 |
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- Alipore Central Correctional Home is the referral hospital for the entire State, and is equipped with pathological, radiological & surgical facilities. An air-conditioned operation theatre has been set up there for surgical operations.
- A Physiotherapy Centre and a diagnostic and therapeutic unit has also been set up at Alipore Central Correctional Home. The air-conditioned diagnostic and therapeutic unit has ultra-sonography and gastro endoscopy facilities. The resuscitation unit will provide assistance to inmates with cardio-vascular diseases.
- Prisoners on admission in the prison are thoroughly examined medically and medico legal case, drug-addict case and hospital admission cases etc are segregated. Those found in good state of health are sent to the wards allotted to them. Those requiring any medical follow-up are advised to attend OPD subsequently, which exists in all the correctional homes.