It is a known fact that idle brain is a devil’s workshop. If prisoners are kept idle, unnecessary problems generate in prisons. Also, it is the duty on the part of prison officers to allot suitable work to prisoners and ensure that the prison is economically managed as per rules. The rigorous imprisonment implies that a prisoner who is convicted is to work in various prison industries. Prison services are allotted by the prison authorities. Then only there is legal justification for effective release of a convict under remission rules. By way of providing suitable productive work to prisoners the following are the advantages:
West Bengal prisons are goverened by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992
Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

Work Programmes
Work Programs in Correctional Homes :

- The court order of rigorous imprisonment is executed in letter and spirit.
- The prisoners are engaged in the work and they get their remission and also earn their daily wages.
- Inculcating work culture in the minds of prisoners is possible and because of this work culture after release, the prisoner is able to earn his bread and butter. As a result the likelihood of reducing crime in the society is higher.
- The habitual offenders / recidivists will not repeat offences if suitable work is allotted to them and work taken from them when sentenced by the court to rigorous imprisonment.
- It will prevent idleness, indiscipline and disorder among the prisoners.
- It will help maintain high morale amongst prisoners.
Thus keeping in view the above points, training to prisoners, in various vocations available at the prison institutions, has received a lot of importance in almost all the states. These trainings provide opportunities for inmates to engage themselves in fruitful pursuits during the term of their sentence in correctional homes. It not only takes care of much needed correctional aspect, it also makes one learn a skill, which enables him to follow a vocation on release from correctional home.