Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

The kitchens in most of the correctional homes of the State are equipped with diesel gas ovens and the food is cooked by the prisoners themselves. LPG is gradually being introduced in the kitchen in a phased manner. Special care is taken to keep the environment hygienic and clean.
All prisoners are given three meals a day—the early morning meal before the hour of labour, a mid-day meal, and an evening meal before they are locked up for the night.
A new scale of diet with rich nutritional value has been prepared based on the recommendations of a Committee of experts headed by Addl IG (South) of CS and comprising health & nutrition experts and has been introduced with effect from 28.11.07 vide G.O. No. 1249-HJ/4M-175/07 dated 28.11.2007
- The scale of diet has been prescribed per prisoner per day taking into account the calorie value and the food habits of the prisoners irrespective of the cost accruing.
- The Convicts and UTPs now get the same quantity of diet in all respects. Earlier there was a difference in the two scales.
- Weekly diet chart for all prisoners has been introduced so that the prisoners could know beforehand the details of food articles to be issued throughout the whole week.
- Seasonal Chart of vegetables has been prescribed centrally from which only the vegetables can be procured as per availability and to curb the tendency of correctional home officials to only procure the cheapest of vegetables.
- The total calorie value of the three meals per day has gone up to 2900-3100 Kilocalorie for different categories of prisoners on different days.
One cup of tea during early morning and another cup at around 3.00 pm using a total of 5 gms. of tea, 25 gms. of milk and 15 gms. of sugar.
100 gms. of chira/muri/bread/chhatu/roasted gram flour) per head per day alternately.
The articles of diet provided for the midday and evening meals shall be equally divided between such meals.