Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

Laxmi Narayan Meena, IPS
ADG & IG of Correctional Services,
West Bengal
Jessop Building, First Floor
63, Netaji Subhas Road,
Kolkata - 700 001
Ph : (033) 2262-5694 / 2262 5825
Fax : (033) 2262-5604
Email : dgigcs.dcs-wb@gov.in
Website : http://wbcorrectionalservices.gov.in
Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal,
Department of Correctional Administration,
Jessop Building, First Floor
63, Netaji Subhas Road,
Kolkata - 700 001
Ph : (033) 2262-5690
Fax : (033) 2262-5690
Email : osddsdca@gmail.com