Life without any recreation can indeed be very monotonous for any one. More so in prisons with their set routine. Special emphasis has therefore, been laid on providing the prisoners with different recreational facilities. Section 49 of the West Bengal Correctional services Act, 1992 provides for correctional activities for the inmates in the correctional homes of the State. Sub Section (1) of the said Section speaks of participation of the inmates in indoor and outdoor games amongst other facilities.
West Bengal prisons are goverened by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992
Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

The following arrangements exist for recreation of the prisoners:
- Central & district correctional homes have libraries, where books of different types are kept for the prisoners. All categories of prisoners have access to the library.
- The prisoners are provided with daily newspapers in Bengali, Hindi, English and Urdu. They are also being provided with few journals.
- All the central & district correctional homes are equipped with the TV sets. TV sets have also been installed in almost all the sub-correctional homes.
- Convicts may keep radio with them with the special permission of the Superintendent.
- There is recreation hall in almost every central, district, special and women’s correctional homes.
- Regular cultural programmes are also being organized in correctional homes on different occasions.
- All national festivals like Republic Day, Independence Day are observed by one and all inside the correctional homes.
- National and International Days like World Day of Social Justice, World No Tobacco Day, International Women’s Day, Children's day are observed in the correctional homes through cultural activities.
- All religious festivals like Holi, Diwali, Id, X-mas etc. are celebrated in correctional homes. Rakshabandhan Day is also celebrated in correctional homes to inculcate the feeling of amity / togetherness among inmates.
- We have undertaken culture therapy programmes in the correctional homes of the State. Inmates are being encouraged to take part in the production oriented workshops for production of theatre, dance, recitation, art etc which are directed by the eminent personalities in such fields under the culture therapy programme. Public performances of theatre and dance productions, exhibition of paintings and sculptures and publication of audio CD of music, recitation are some of the major achievements in this field.
- Musical instruments are provided to the inmates. Our NGO partners provide Music Teacher also in some of the correctional homes. Last year (2011) and in present year (2012) Prisoners troup is presented their cultural programme viz. ‘Balmiki Protibha’ & ‘Gahi Samyer Gan’ on the occasion of IITF in New Delhi on State day respectively.
- There is provision for indoor games like cards, chess, carom etc in every correctional home. Central & District correctional homes have facility for outdoor sports like football, cricket, volleyball etc.
West Bengal Prisoners’ Welfare Fund
The State Govt has created ‘West Bengal Prisoners’ Welfare Fund’ for undertaking welfare activities which includes recreational activities for the prisoners. In this year (2012) 45 inmates families have been benefitted by this fund directly. And more than hundred inmates have been benefitted by this fund indirectly as they have got their examination (Madhyamik Parikha) fees out of this fund. In every year the students for MP, HS, BA and MA get examination fees out of welfare fund. A respectable amount of fund has been collected through cultural programme by the inmates of correctional homes e,g, "Balmiki Protibha", "Bisarjan" , "Ma-Mati-Manush" etc.