West Bengal prisons are goverened by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992
Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

- The old and sick prisoners are given special treatment inside the correctional homes. They are being provided special diet. Cases of seriously sick under trials are taken up with the concerned courts for their bailing out/early disposal of case.
- Every correctional home is equipped with an ambulance.
- All the central & district correctional homes have indoor hospitals where prisoners can be admitted.
- The subsidiary correctional homes, however, have only OPD facilities. In some sub- correctional homes facilities for keeping four indoor patients temporarily have been created.
- Medical dispensary exists in every correctional home.
- All medicines prescribed by the Doctors are issued free of cost to the prisoners.
- Free spectacles are provided to the prisoners.
- MRI, CT scan, and all types of diagnostic tests, if prescribed by the doctor are done at government cost.
- Cost of pacemaker is also borne by the Government.
- Indoor patients are given special medical diet, which includes seasonal fruits, milk and eggs.
Alipore Central Correctional Home Hospital
- There is a referral hospital inside Alipore Central Correctional Home. Seriously sick prisoners as well as staff from all over the State are referred to Alipore Central Correctional Home Hospital for their treatment. Besides its own prison population and staff Alipore Central Correctional Home Hospital has to provide specialized treatment to a huge number of outside prisoners referred here and staff. Besides, the de-addiction centre of this correctional home is the largest in West Bengal.
- The following facilities are available in Alipore Central Correctional Home being a referral one:
100 beds X-Ray Unit De-addiction Centre Physiotherapy unit ENT Unit HIV/AIDS Hospice Diagnostic Centre Dental Unit Laboratory Pathology unit Eye Unit Intensive Care Unit ECG facilities Operation Theatre Psychology Unit - The Staff at Alipore Central Correctional Home Hospital:
- Five full time Medical Officers (From Health Service -3; On contract -2).
- The following Specialists in different faculties visit the hospital at regular intervals:
Dental ENT Orthopedics Surgery Eye Skin - 3 full time Pharmacists.
- 2 Male Nurses.
- 3 Radiology Technicians.
- Number of prisoners admitted / treated in Alipore Central Correctional Home Hospital during the period 2002 to 2008: