Apart from indoor games Annual Sports for women and children have been added to the calendar of events. A large number of women inmates take part in annual sports with great enthusiasm. Although the events of such sports are quite different from the ones usually seen in the men’s sports, it must bring about some change in the otherwise drab lives of the inmates.
Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

They are also participating in various production oriented workshops alongside the male inmates by a general order. The female guarding staff however accompanies them during their participation in such activities outside female enclosures. The amendment has also been incorporated in the Draft West Bengal Correctional Services Rules which are being submitted to the State Government for approval.
As a result of this amendment the female inmates are now participating in public performances of plays, dance, dance drama, recitation etc alongside male inmates under culture therapy programme. We feel that this step by the State Government has brought about a qualitative change in the lives of our female inmates.

It has now become a regular practice to observe the International Women’s Day on March 8 every year in all the correctional homes of the State where women prisoners are lodged. The day is observed by organizing cultural programs, debates, workshops and various competitions for women and children on that day. The dignitaries and NGO partners working for empowerment of women take part in the programme on that day apart from our correctional services officials and staff. The State level programme on the International Women’s Day was held at Presidency Correctional Home till sometime back. With the establishment of the Alipore Women’s Correctional Home at Kolkata it is now held there every year.

The one thing which prisoners mainly the women prisoners miss badly is family life. Perhaps they miss not only their children but their old parents and other elderly family members as much. Whereas their children can still come and visit them in the correctional home, it is not always possible for the aged parents or family members to do so. At the same time many residents of old age homes long to spend time with younger people. It is therefore, perhaps a good idea if some of the convicts can be allowed to visit the old age homes to spend time with them.

And better still if these prisoners can go and give cultural performances in the old age homes and do various other small things for the residents there to bring some happiness in their lives. It will be a great social service. In keeping with this spirit we are sending groups of female inmates to old age homes. This practice is surely going to form a bridge between the old aged citizens and prisoners of our country