Inmates of Women’s Correctional Homes and female inmates in other correctional homes are being imparted vocational training in various trades mainly through our NGO partners. Besides, women inmates are encouraged to education and to participate in various cultural activities on different occasions. We also arrange cultural activities for their entertainment. A number of activities have been added to the calendar of events of the women’s correctional homes.
Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

- Vocational training is provided to them through NGO’s. There are arrangements for training in cooking, sewing, wool knitting, embroidery, garment making, jute handloom etc in different correctional homes. Computer training for women has also been introduced.
- Legal aid is provided to them through Legal Aid Clinics.
- Complaints/ representations received are redressed as far as possible within the framework of law.
- There are ‘Anganwari Centers’ under ICDS programme for welfare of the children of women prisoners.
- There are also Lady Welfare Officers who attend to different problems of the women prisoners.
- There is no congestion in the Correctional Home as the capacity far exceeds the total number of prisoners.
- TV sets, Newspapers, Magazines are also provided.
- There are arrangements for indoor games for the women prisoners.

Women inmates are being encouraged in literacy programme as well as for pursuit of higher studies. Every year there are few names of female inmates in the list of successful inmates in Madhyamik and Higher Secondary Examinations. We facilitate tutorials for them through the NGOs apart from providing other financial assistance like examination fees from the Department.
Women inmates are generally imparted training in various trades like sewing, embroidering, knitting, garment making, jute craft, cooking etc. A few of them are being imparted training on basic computer knowledge. Mainly our NGO partners are engaged in coordinating the training programmes.
There is an age old stipulation in the Jail Code vide Rule 949 which provides that “no female prisoners shall, on any consideration, be allowed to leave the female enclosure of the jail except for release, transfer or attendance at Court or under the orders of the Superintendent for any special purpose.” Superintendents though given the discretionary powers were not always willing to use these powers to allow male and female inmates to mingle due to various apprehensions. The conservative interpretation of this provision by the prison officers thus came in the way of equal participation of female inmates in various cultural and personality development activities.
The stipulation was made for the protection and privacy of the female inmates and cannot be allowed to come in the way of their development. Strict implementation of this old provision was leading to discrimination against female inmates and their deprivation from equal developmental opportunities. The rule has, therefore, been changed. The female inmates are now participating equally in all the cultural, educational, recreational and other developmental activities.