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Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Citizens' Charter
Lodging :

In the sub-correctional homes, which accommodate only the UTPs, there are wards / dormitories for the prisoners. The female UTPs are kept in the female ward under the exclusive surveillance of the female warders. Similarly, in the district correctional homes and special correctional homes excepting the notorious convicts/ UTPs, other male prisoners are kept in the wards and the female prisoners, be they convicts or UTPs, are kept in the female ward. In the central correctional homes high risk convicts / UTPs are kept in cells under the watchful eyes of the guarding staff. Among six central correctional homes, barring Alipore Central Correctional Home, all other central correctional homes have female enclosure. In the central correctional homes arrangements are made to segregate the hardcore prisoners from those who come to jail for the first time for committing petty larceny.

Interview :

Every prisoner is entitled to at least one interview every month with his friends and relatives. Apart from that, a prisoner is also entitled to have any number of interviews with his legal counsel in presence of any competent Executive Officer duly authorized by the Superintendent. During the interview with friends / relatives, a prisoner may receive fruits, articles, dry food (uncooked) and toiletries including soap, detergent, dental cream, hair oil etc duly checked by the correctional home security staff. Prohibited articles are not allowed inside the correctional home.

Rights of Prisoners

Every prisoner shall have the right of access to law. The Superintendent of every correctional home shall provide every prisoner with all responsible opportunities for invoking the aid of law in all matters concerning his confinement and matters of personal nature. The right of access to law shall include the right of access to legal service and legal aid.

Every prisoner shall have the right :

To protection against unlawful aggression on his person or against imposition of ignominy in any manner not authorized by law.

To protection against confinement in unhealthy or obnoxious surroundings.

Of having proper medical care and service for preventing deterioration of his health and for cure of ilment with which- He may be attacked.

To protection against unreasonable discrimination.

To protection against punishment or hardship amounting to punishment, except through procedure established by law and with due opportunity of defense.


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