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Functioning Of Jails Department
The Department of Jails is assigned to the charge of a Minister and with the modifications set down below consists of a Secretary, the official Head of the Department.
The works of the Department are divided between Joint Secretary / Special Secretary and Assistant Secretary / OSD & Ex Officio Deputy Secretary.
They dispose off the cases entrusted with them in accordance with orders issued under Rules 19 and 20 of the Rules of Business. In respect of such cases, however, the Secretary retains the right to intervene at any stage and may require any particular case to be submitted to or through him. Moreover, all cases, on return from the Minister, pass through the Secretary.
A Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary or Assistant Secretary decides whether a case is of such importance as it should be submitted to a higher officer or whether it can be disposed of by himself.
The Registrar is responsible for the proper management, efficiency, and discipline and routine of the office, and also for the prompt disposal of work as far as practicable. His duties are to see that the provisions of the Secretariat Manual are properly observed. To keep the attendance roll to see that each assistant arrives at office at 10 a.m. and does not leave the same before 5.30 p.m. etc.
A Head Assistant is responsible for the efficient and smooth working of the Department. Where there are two or more Head Assistants in a Branch, the Senior Head Assistant is in overall charge of the Branch, but the work of the Branch may be divided between the Head Assistants. The duties of a Head Assistant are to inspect and supervise the work of all assistants working under him, especially those working in the Reference and Routine Sections.
Subject to the supervision of the Secretary, the entire clerical establishment in each Department is under the control of a Joint Secretary.
The clerical establishment in each Department is divided into an Upper Division and a Lower Division, duties of a routine nature being ordinarily entrusted with the Lower Division.
Any transfer of work from one Branch to another requires the orders of an officer not below the rank of an Assistant Secretary. The distribution of work among the assistants of a Branch is left with the discretion of the Head Assistant and everyone shall, when the necessity arises, undertake any other work given to him by the Head Assistant. Whenever any assistant is absent, it would be the duty of the Head Assistant, in charge of the Branch, to inspect the table of that assistant in order to ascertain whether any urgent cases require immediate attention. In case the assistant continues to be absent for prolonged period, arrangement should be made by the Head Assistant to transfer cases to other assistants.