A project for preservation and restoration of heritage structures of Lalgola Open Air Correctional Home is going on at present at Lalgola Open Air Correctional Home in partnership with Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage. A large number of convict inmates who are skilled masons have been shifted to Lalgola Open Air Correctional Home for the purpose. INTACH has organized training to the inmates in this very specialized area of work. The selected convicts are getting necessary additional technical skills which will help them in their rehabilitation after their release apart from helping them earn money to support their families while being lodged at Open Air Correctional Home.
West Bengal prisons are goverened by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992
Important Information
Ongoing Reforms
Women & Children

A New Experiment - Preservation & Restoration Of Heritage Structures:

This project bagged the USA Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation Award Grant in 2007. The Grant amount of Rs. 28 lakhs ($64,553 approx) has been awarded for a two-year period. However, more than the money, it is the sense of dignity and self-respect that the inmates will have gained through execution of this novel project that is more important for us.

The Second Open Correctional Home
A proposal for establishment of the second open correctional home of the State at Durgapur, an industrial township in Burdwan District has been submitted to the Government vide No. 822/IG/07 Dtd. 03.04.07. The proposal is still under consideration.